Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hey Guys! It's been a while.

Well, I got to work this morning and instead of getting a bunch of things done on my ever growing "to do" list, I decided I would finally enter another post on my blog. I took some time to list out some favorite movies and music etc. Yesterday I had lunch with about five guys at some little diner in Conway, PA. In the company was an old roommate of mine named Ryan Paskey. I laughed so hard, I honestly thought the management was going to ask me to quiet down or leave. The coolest thing about working here in Conway is the fact that my boss (he hates being called my boss) knows tons of people so I get to have lunch with tons of great friends from college etc. I haven't blogged in over a month because I couldn't figure out how. My friend Jessica showed my recently, so now I will try to be much more consistent. Eventually, I plan to meet with Ben Kendrew so I can learn to post pictures and make it really flashy for you all! Until then, hopefully my thoughts will be entertaining enough for you all. Don't spend too much time at your computers. The weather is wonderful out there today! Youth Group will be outside tonight which is awesome, because the room we use doesn't smell like potpourri once the jr. high kids run and root!

1 comment:

BK said...

lets set it up C-Dawg.